Page 2 - insider - April to June 2016
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The context of ‘going green’ may vary from one We at SGT are fully committed to contributing
individual to another, depending on the extent towards a green environment. Our facility in
of their knowledge and adaptation of the green National Industrial Park in Jebel Ali supports
lifestyle. Generally, most people would refer to the green concept through a number of
this as helping protect the environment through features namely through its re ghting system,
choosing ‘green’ products and practicing the advanced lighting and water technologies and
three Rs – reducing, reusing, and recycling. its plant scenery.
In my view, the term ‘green’ extends beyond the Since safety and longevity is of paramount
above mentioned de nition. Green covers a importance, all levels of our facility are
wide-range of sustainable and renewable way of equipped with sprinklers whereas the
living. It refers to the new way of thinking and government didn’t obligate us to tout all of
modifying the way people live to transform their the oors. Even if this has increased our
environment into a more e cient and livable expenditures, the long term savings is much
space, to save time, energy and implement more valuable to us. Another green feature of
innovative solutions. our building is its auto presence and DSI
From green buildings to green o ces, green cars, system lighting technology with which the
green banking, green food to green society, lights automatically turn on or o upon the
indeed, every element of our day-to-day lifestyle thermal sensor’s detection of human presence
can be generally attributed to becoming green. while the DSI system assesses the available
Green banking is an innovative solution most natural light and dims accordingly to balance
the brightness, which ultimately leads to
nancial institutions have implemented. Online saving energy.
banking is now widely accepted and applied by The use of solar panels holds the same
consumers which e ectively help save time and philosophy. Our facility has solar panels which
energy mutually. Green vehicles are now help reduce our operating and energy cost
developed which further contributes to a since the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority
greener society. It consumes less petrol than (DEWA) deducts the equivalent generated
conventional cars and uses renewable energy power from the electric bill. The cost of the
sources to fuel its engine. solar panels may be high but the return on
Once found only in health food shops, organic investment can’t be underestimated especially
foods are now staple grocery and supermarket that it also decreases carbon footprint.
items. The popularity of organic food continues The facility’s sewage treatment is recycled and
to grow as more people learn about its health used to water the trees within the area, which
and environment bene ts, e ectively making it a also have excellent landscaping as the plants
green food. The term ‘organic’ comes from the produce oxygen and help keep a green
farming practices used to grow produce. It is the environment. What also makes a building
all-natural process of growing agricultural green is the maximum use of space and
products such as fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy construction components in which SGT’s
and meat. It is designed to encourage soil and facility have a fully- tted place designed with
water preservation and to reduce pollution. an e cient logistics ow. These features may
Today, organic products do not only refer to food be a huge investment but the generated
but also include consumer goods like clothing, savings in the end is incomparable with the
footwear, cosmetics and skincare products, and expenditures.
even furniture. Thinking, living and practicing a green lifestyle
Recently, Dubai has been named one of the top largely contributes to a number of positive
10 green cities in the world. The cities were e ects towards the environment, society and
ranked based on four categories: city-wide green
building landscape; green building policies and nancial wellbeing of businesses and the
targets; green city culture and environment; and society. There is lesser pollution with hybrid
green building e ciency and performance, cars, healthier society with organic foods, more
where Dubai scored strongly. energy e cient and value for money with
One of the most obvious testaments to this green buildings and generally a safer
achievement is the Dubai Airport. The environment to live in.
construction of one of the world’s busiest
terminal is so strategic it o ers comfort to every Mr. Hamid Dizji
traveler. It is a green development as there’s no
wasted time and energy for anyone who uses the CEO, SGT Group
facility, the Metro is connected, and
transportation going to and from the terminal is
e ciently planned.

1 SGT Insider / April - June 2016
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